Ready for our next trip on the 3rd day at sabah. Abis semua daerah kami jajah. Be4 say goodbye to kundasang perkara wajib adalah seperti di bawah....
Our 1st jajahan is sabah tea plantation. Jln nk msk sini bwk2 ler bersabar. Teruk sgt. Boleh pecah tayar beb. Sabah tea located 800m on rolling hills near Kg Nalapak, 11m from the Poring Road junction. Ni lah satu2nya Sabah tea plantation. So kami santai2 lepak minum rasa sabah tea camne. Kalu ada yg berminat nk overnight they offers comfortable bungalows, Guest House and a typical Rungus Longhouse.
Jgn lupa byr dulu entrance fee. RM3 sorang. Kita ke Canopy walk dulu ye. Alahai kena byr lg ingat aku ni chop duit ke???? korang tahu.
Tak sangka mencabar gak. Penat beb. Lg penat dr kinabalu.Dgn beg baju, makanan. Canopy ni depa ikat kat pokok Menggaris "the King of the Forest". Pjgnya 157.8m dan tinggi 41m. Tinggi sgt takut aku...Adventure. Berjaya jgk kami smp ke penghujung walau ada sedikit ketakutan (statement cover line).
Ada plak client call time2 aku tgh termengah2. Sory aku tk leh nk focus apa yg dia tanya. Sape suh kacau aku time cuti2 nie. Hehehehe. Dalam utan pun org cari aku.
Kat sini ada byk kolam. Kolam kecik khas utk kita aje. Bukak paip tadah air biar penuh then rendam lah. Ada kolam public kalu mls nk tggu kolam khas penuh air. Dalam poring ni ada gak taman rama2 pd yg suka dgn floral dan fauna.
Berakhir lah siri jajahan aku ke negeri Sabah ni. Mmg best. Pd sape suka adventure trip cam aku u're most welcome to here. So i'll be back to Sabah for 2 purpose CLIMBING & DIVING. Insyallah.
Bye2 Sabah. Thank you for your lovely place. And thanks also to my dear friend Fafa, Sara & Ijad for your sporting support. Very enjoy with our journey. Sweet memories for us rite? gile kt sini.dpt pula pg bercuti dgn kwn2 yg sekepala.
ReplyDeletebest..lepas ni kita plan another vacay..